This and That

December 2, 2009

I never fall sick!

Filed under: Rant — Tags: , , , , — yaadayaada @ 2:34 am

Yes! I never fall sick! No need for anti-jinx, because I have jinxed myself enough already. Earlier this year, it was this. Now when I thought I will be writing about my Pismo Beach trip during thanksgiving, I am down with high fever/headache/sore throat since Sunday. Could be flu, could be swine flue, could be anything. The doc thinks that, since I am young(Even though my sister thinks otherwise) and with no other complication, I don’t need any flu med and don’t need any tests either. So I am on cough med(codeine), nasal spray both of which are keeping me in a drowsy and doped-up state. All I can wish right now is that an anvil to crush my head so that I can get this over with once and for all!

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