This and That

July 22, 2011


Filed under: emotions, Rant — yaadayaada @ 6:06 pm

A dear friend passed away last week after battling with cancer for 6 1/2 years! I am sad! But that no one could control! But Bomb blast in Mumbai, Bombing and shooting in Norway, Famine in Somalia and children are dying by the 1000s but the militants won’t let the United Nations deliver food because they think there is no famine! Why do we do this to ourselves? Why? How am I living my life as if everything is hunky dory!!

Reminder to self: Slap tight, the next time I complain about anything!!

July 9, 2011

Summer Harvest -1

Filed under: flora — Tags: , , , , — yaadayaada @ 10:53 am

Coriander seeds, Greens(keerai), cucumber, okra(only 2), green beans. Will be converted into Keerai masiyal, Keera thandu vetha kuzhambu, Beans paruppu usili, Cucumber salad very soon!

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