This and That

February 15, 2013

Valentine’s Day – Dinner for two

We have never been big on Valentine’s Day. This year we decided to be different! I got roses(although the previous day, well, the thought that counts).  I decided to cook a 6 course meal. What was I thinking! It was the middle of the week, work is hectic, had to buy groceries and these were things that I have never cooked before. Well, nothing can stop craziness. I had to skip the dessert and a main course due to lack of time and bought gelato(Has anyone tried Talenti gelato. They are awesome. So far, Pista, Black rasberry and Black cherry are my favorites.). Anyway, this is the menu/recipe I followed (Skipped Tempeh and dessert)!! It took all off 45 mins from scratch for the 4 course (Eggplant Cornucopias, heirloom tomato salad, steamed asparagus, Roasted veggie Quinoa, Roasted Beets)!!

Valentine' Day Dinner 2013 Valentine2013

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